Kautz achieves big goal with lots of hard work

Hard work and determination resulted in a goal being reached for Kasey Kautz, a 2023 Weiser High School graduate. He will be heading to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. on a full-ride scholarship to major in sports medicine. Photo by Forever Anchored Photography
Nicole Miller
Weiser High School graduate, Kasey Kautz, began to set big goals for his post high school education during his junior year of high school. While on an FFA trip, he visited Nashville, Louisville, and Indianapolis. During the first night they spent in Nashville, Kautz knew he was meant to be there. He mentioned this feeling to his advisors, they suggested he look into going to college there. He found Vanderbilt University and discovered that the school was known for having one of the best medical programs in the nation.
 With a less than 10 percent acceptance rate, Vanderbilt is among the top 1 percent of the most difficult universities to gain admission to in the United States. Kautz knew that although he had a 4.0 GPA and had been involved in many extracurricular activities including being the student body president, there was no guarantee that he would be accepted. Kautz decided that even if it was a long shot, he needed to apply. 
 Kautz shared that the application process was lengthy and demanding. Through the common app, he was required to fill out approximately ten pages of personal information including class schedule, activities involvement and resume. Once he had completed that, he was required to write three essays on assigned topics from the application. Lastly, he had to get three letters of recommendation: two from a teacher and one from a community member. 
 Kautz shared that he had no idea how confident he could be throughout his application process, but he knew he had given it his best effort. His effort, GPA, and school involvement all paid off in a big way. This last December, Kautz found out he was not only accepted for early admission, but that he would receive a full scholarship. 
 He is now on the path to fulfilling that drive that he was meant to be in Nashville, and more importantly he will be attending one of the best medical schools in the nation, as he pursues his ultimate career goal of becoming a sports medicine specialist or orthopedic surgeon. 
 Kautz became interested in pursuing a career in the medical field, when he joined Bowe von Brethorst’s health professions class at Weiser High School. As the year progressed, and Kautz learned more about the medical field, Kautz became even more sure that a job in the medical field was part of his future. The more he learned about genetics, body systems, anatomy and physiology, the more he genuinely enjoyed learning about them.
 “My goal since I was a kid was to find a job that also didn’t feel like a chore. Not only would a job in the medical field be fun, it is also an amazing way to help others,” Kautz said. 
 Although he admits it may sound cliche’, Kautz shared that his best piece of advice for younger students is to get involved in everything that this community and life has to offer. Participate in community service whenever given the chance. Not only do colleges look at this for admission, but it’s a chance to give back to the community that supports our students and their dreams, and it’s a great way to discover new talents and passions. Kautz shared that he truly owes a lot of success to growing up in Weiser and the constant support of the community. 
 “The more I think about it, the more I realize how much Weiser helps in the success of their kids. In everything that I did in high school, the entire community rallied behind joining in to help, watch, or cheer us on… I had coaches who taught me how to be a team player, and how to give back to others before yourself. I had teachers who taught me to be respectful to all and that learning shouldn’t be something that you do just to get it over with. I had friends and family who encouraged me to do everything that I could, and supported me in every way possible. Lastly, I had a school that wanted me to succeed. The counselors were always helping me find ways to further my education, bring a positive environment to the school, and earn awards and recognitions that they felt I deserved,” Kautz said. 


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