Youth organization walks away with $8,000 from local donors

Lauren Silva of Four Rivers Young Life, a local nonprofit, accepts the second quarter grant of $7,500 from the newly organized 100 People Who Care representative Layna Hafer.
Philip A. Janquart
100 People Who Care focuses on raising money for local nonprofit groups
Four Rivers Young Life was chosen to receive $7,500 presented by the 100 People Who Care program based in Weiser.  
 Another $500 is coming from participants who could not attend the quarterly meeting.
 Held May 20 at Sunnyside Farm and Events, the first full quarterly meeting, hosted by administrators of the program, was attended by over 70 individuals to hear presentations from three separate 501c3 nonprofits, all of them vying to receive the funds.
Presentations were given by Weiser Memorial Hospital Foundation, Four Rivers Young Life, and Love INC. In the end, those present cast their votes in favor of Four Rivers, which walked away with funds that will benefit its services and programs.
 Young life is a Christian-based organization that focuses on young people.
 “We are super excited,” said Lauren Silva of Four Rivers Young Life. “It was exciting to be able to share with 100 People Who Care what Young Life is and to get our name out there a little bit more so that people know we are here in the community. We serve high school students and the bulk of them go to Weiser High School.”
 A woman in Jackson, Mich. founded 100 People Who Care in 2006. The organization has since spread to many other communities across the country, with hundreds of branches that have built on the original idea. Some of them include 100 Women Who Care, 100 Men Who Care, and 100 Kids Who Care.
 Kelly Haun brought the program to Weiser last winter. It’s a way to help nonprofits thrive, fulfilling their respective missions to assist those in need.
 Haun is also responsible for launching the Future Wolverine Foundation, which raises money for kids who have a hard time paying to participate in sports programs. Fees typically cover the cost for things like uniforms, equipment, and other expenses associated with playing youth sports in Weiser.
 “This is a great concept to help nonprofits in the community and it’s a great tax write-off,” Angel Wings Network Executive Director Mabel Dobbs said of 100 People Who Care. “They get a hundred people to commit to donating a hundred dollars on a quarterly basis, or $400 a year. Then, they take all of the active nonprofits and put them into a pool and at the end of each quarter, they will draw out three nonprofits from that pool to do a presentation and one of those nonprofits are voted on to receive $10,000 for their organization.”
 Haun hosted a barn dance at Sunnyside Farms March 16 as a kind of test run to see how things would work and it was a success, showing promise moving forward.
 Rochelle and The James Gang provided live entertainment, and food and drink was available for purchase through The Market, a specialty grocery store in Weiser.
 Angel Wings, which assists cancer patients and their families, was one of four chosen to give a presentation at the March 16 event, hoping to become the test recipient. 
 The others were Main Street Weiser, which focuses on economic development and revitalization in Weiser; Love INC of Washington County, a charity that pools resources from area churches; and the Shamrock Club, a community service organization founded in 1922.
 Once pens were laid down, the crowd that gathered had voted for Love INC, which received $900 from the night’s revenue after expenses.
 “So, this first one was just kind of a practice, so people could see how 100 People Who Care works,” Haun told the Signal American in March. “They (the nonprofit organization’s representatives) didn’t even know they were going to speak; I just said, ‘come on up’ and we ended up giving $900 to Love INC.”
 At that time, Haun had already received commitments from 50 people to donate $100 per quarter and has since received more interest from the public. However, still more participants are needed in order to fulfill 100 People Who Care’s mission of giving $10,000 to a lucky nonprofit each quarter. That kind of money serves as a significant contribution to nonprofits who work hard to raise funds for their particular cause.
 “There has been overwhelming support, but we still have more outreach to do to solidify the 100 People because we were a little bit short of that $10,000,” program volunteer team member Layna Hafer said following the May 20 event.
 Hafer added that more participation is needed from the nonprofits themselves.
 “They are not getting their paperwork in to be considered,” Hafer told the Signal American. “This is free money and all you have to do to potentially receive $10,000 is turn in your nonprofit form.”
 The nonprofits for next quarter’s consideration have already been drawn, with the meeting tentatively set for August. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
 Those interested in participating can call Kelly Haun at (208) 573-0812. You can also contact Layna Hafer or Michelle Estes.


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