• Pioneer School had scheduled a BBQ in conjunction with WHS Homecoming activities Thursday, Sept. 12, but administrators were forced to cancel the annual event due to rain. Instead of flipping burgers, Weiser Police Chief Carl Smith, right, and WPD Resource Officer Cody Samson, background, helped out in the school cafeteria. ‘When the weather cooperates, we have a little BBQ on the day of the Homecoming parade and typically we’ll have some help from the city police and fire department,’ said Pioneer School Principal Dave Davies, ‘But we had to go to plan ‘B’ and have our burgers in the cafeteria. But I checked the weather and things should be clearing up this afternoon and the kids will be out to watch the parade. Photo by Philip A. Janquart.
    09/18/2024 - 7:00pm

  • Weiser School District taxpayers will see only $300,000 levied against their taxes this fall on the supplemental levy line, as the state's revenues filled in $782,000 locally from the 2023 property tax relief legislation. Photo by Nancy Grindstaff
    09/18/2024 - 7:00pm

  • Flowerpots similar to the ones shown above will be placed in locations around downtown Weiser beginning next spring. Weiser Main Street has worked hard to bring back a program that is intended to beautify the town. Stock photo
    09/18/2024 - 7:00pm

  • Weiser School District’s Danielle Hunt was the winner of the 2023 Dodge Hornet raffle, made possible by Smith Auto of Weiser. The car is an all-wheel-drive compact SUV. Above, Hunt is pictured with two-year-old son Briggs as WSD Superintendent Kenneth Dewlen hands over the keys. Hunt said she did not expect to win the car. Photo by Philip A. Janquart.
    09/18/2024 - 7:00pm

  • The 2024 Homecoming Court Top row from top left, Hali Blanchard, Halle Seward, Kamryn Doty, Tatem Clary and Jordan Stromberg. Bottom row, from left, Diego Delgadillo, Kolin Kook, Kash Cobb, Stockton Young and Ryan Youngberg.
    09/12/2024 - 10:50am

  • Angel Wings Network board members most recently accepted a $1,000 Silver Sponsorship from Rogue Credit Union for the 2024 Angel Wings Walk/Run event slated for Oct. 12. From left, Angel Wings board member Jonna Duvall-Williams, Ashley Hook from Rogue Credit Union, Angel Wings Executive Director Mabel Dobbs and Angel Wings Vice Chair Jill Linder. Courtesy photo
    09/12/2024 - 9:49am
  • 09/12/2024 - 9:46am

  • Weiser River Animal Shelter and Rescue volunteer Owen Edwards used his frontloader to launch about 860 rubber ducks into the Galloway Canal Saturday, Sept. 7. The ducks were numbered and corresponded to the ‘adopter’ of each duck. The first five ducks were awarded prizes. Funds raised from the event will go toward establishing a new animal shelter and rescue in Weiser. Currently, the group is working on securing a site that will serve the area community. Photo by Sarah Imada.

    Volunteers lean over the guard rail at the Jenkins Creek Road bridge west of Weiser to catch the rubber duckies that floated down the Galloway Canal from the West Seventh Street bridge. A volunteer, fifth from left, can be seen snagging the first place duck adopted by Lori St. Peter. Photo by Sarah Imada.
    09/12/2024 - 9:42am

  • Top row from top left, Hali Blanchard, Halle Seward, Kamryn Doty, Tatem Clary and Jordan Stromberg. Bottom row, from left, Diego Delgadillo, Kolin Kook, Kash Cobb, Stockton Young and Ryan Youngberg.
    09/04/2024 - 7:00pm

  • Former Solicitor General of Idaho Theo Wold gives a presentation on ranked choice voting Aug. 19 at the Vendome Events Center in downtown Weiser. Photo by Philip A. Janquart.
    09/04/2024 - 7:00pm
  • 09/04/2024 - 7:00pm

  • Bonnie Akbar, owner of Artful Bons in Weiser, works on a mural approved by the Weiser City Council in mid-Aug. Akbar has been actively painting murals around the city in an effort to beautify the town. The LOR Foundation awarded her $350 to cover the cost of paint for the Weiser Pool project, which has helped in light of ever-increasing costs. Photo by Philip A. Janquart

    Local Artist and retired school teacher Bonnie Akbar recently painted this mural on the back side of city hall in Weiser. It is one of several she has painted around town. Her latest work can be seen on the street-facing side of the Weiser Pool. Photo courtesy of Bonnie Akbar.
    09/04/2024 - 7:00pm
  • 09/04/2024 - 3:20pm
  • 08/28/2024 - 7:00pm

  • City departments, including electrical, garbage, sewer and water, won’t have to dedicate as much time and manpower to billing thanks to a new ordinance that allows one billing cycle per month instead of two, making them more efficient. Photo by Philip A. Janquart
    08/28/2024 - 7:00pm


Weiser High School’s 2024 Homecoming coronation ceremony concluded with Tatem Clary and Kash Cobb, seated center, winning the Queen and King titles. The 2024 court includes, pictured from left, Halle Seward, Jordan Stromberg, Kamryn Doty, Hali Blanchard, Stockton Young, Diego Delgadillo, Kolin Cook and Ryan Youngberg. Photo by Nancy Grindstaff

All of Weiser enjoyed the festivities surrounding last week’s WHS Homecoming, with another well-presented parade on Thursday, Sept. 12. Below, the WHS Leo Club were represented on a float, as were members of the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), above. Photos by Nancy Grindstaff
09/18/2024 - 7:00pm


09/12/2024 - 10:39am
Dear Editor:  Sept. 17 is Constitution Day to commemorate its signing in 1787.   Ten Amendments were quickly drafted to provide a Bill of Rights. It has 27 total Amendments. It is my opinion that two more Amendments are neeeded:  •1: To...


Receiver Luke Sarich hauls in a touchdown pass from quarterback Kolin Cook during Weiser’s 61-22 Homecoming victory over Melba at Roy Dickerson Memorial Field on Friday. The score stood 54-0 at halftime, with backups finishing up the second half of play. Photo by Bob Barber
09/18/2024 - 7:00pm
 Weiser showed little mercy Friday, hammering 3A Melba 61-22 in front of a full crowd at Roy Dickerson Memorial Field.  The Wolverines, coming off a two-game skid, were primed for the game, throwing everything they had at the Mustangs.  “It’s...

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Weiser, ID 83672
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