Weiser Public Library to present a free movie night this Friday

Weiser families will be treated to a second movie night this summer at the Weiser Public Library, Friday, Aug. 16, starting at dusk. The featured film is the 1980s favorite, Back to the Future. Photo by Nancy Grindstaff
Keith Boles
On Friday, Aug. 16 the Weiser Public Library will hold a fun family event free for all families in the local area where they can all get together and watch a movie.
 The library in the past has done a multitude of fun events such as indoor movies, STEM activities, and more but this summer’s two movie nights is the first time they have done something like this.
 During the event, the kids and the rest of their family can sit and watch the classic movie Back to the Future, directed by Robert Zemeckis, originally released in 1985 nearly 40 years ago.
 The movie is a classic today so it is the perfect family film for everyone to watch and enjoy during the summer night.
 The event will be hosted right on the front lawn of the library and will start at dusk.
 During the movie, the attendees can  get popcorn, cotton candy, and even snow cones to snack on during the film’s duration.
 The best part of all of this, however, is the fact that all of this will be at no cost to any of the people attending.
 Everything will be  free meaning families could bring their kids and have a fun free night to make memories out of.
 The person who mainly is running the event is Librarian Timbra Long. Long is a long-time employee who works at the Weiser Public Library. She wanted everyone to be able to enjoy this time of year and make some memories with their family.
 “My goal is that every family gets a fun evening to enjoy as a family and it doesn’t even cost them a penny and gives them memories to cherish,”  Long said.
 Now of course, none of this would happen without the help from various members of the community of Weiser.
 The people who  help are, the Friends of the Library, the Weiser library itself, and the LOR Foundantion. Without the help of these people, the event would never have happened so it was truly great that they could all help out.
 Hopefully, this event is a great success and will continue to bring not just families closer together, but all of Weiser as well.


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