Weiser Public Library Corner

There’s always a jigsaw puzzle in the works at Weiser’s Public Library. Visitors can spend as much time as they want helping to finish the current puzzle. Whoever finds the last piece gets to pick the next one. Photo by Joyce Taylor
Joyce Taylor
 There are so many things to do at the Weiser Public Library. The Friends of the Library have put a rack near the jigsaw puzzle table with various items to sell. Soft back books, hard back books, DVD’s. All these would be great inexpensive gifts.
 Are you into cooking? Check out the wide selection of cookbooks, even healthy ones for those who have restricted diets.
 What about book discussions? There is a program called “Living in the Modern Rural West” that is beginning on Jan. 14. The first book is “Uprooted” and a professor will come to the library to discuss this book with anyone who has read it. On Feb. 18, the next book is “This House of Sky,” and on March 18, “In the Wilderness.” 
 The library also has an adult book club that met on Jan. 7 and will meet on Feb. 4 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for book discussions. The first book is “Miss Quinn’s Rise to Fame.” If you have teenagers or even younger kids, there is a middle school book club and an elementary book club. The middle school kids meet on the first Wednesday of each month and the elementary kids on the first Thursday. Check with the friendly librarians for further details on these clubs.
 Computer classes started on Jan. 6, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mondays will be drop in time. Come and ask our instructor anything about your computer, phone or devices. Thursdays will be a specific class on various topics. You can come to learn about cyber security, sending an email, getting started on Facebook, saving pictures, Word documents and much more. The instructor is Herbert Miller. No need to sign up, just show up at the designated time.
 Last but not least, there are no interlibrary loans. You can go online to Libby for that. The library is fine free meaning if you are late returning a book, dvd, etc. no fine but please do bring back what you checked out.
Jigsaw puzzle
 Did you know that there is a jigsaw puzzle table at the library? It’s been there for some time and it’s a place where you can forget about your troubles, relax by yourself or with a friend or a sister and spend some time putting together puzzles. 
 Growing up, we always had a puzzle going on a table during the winter months. This was a family thing and almost every time, we would be missing a piece. We would look high and low and this piece was no where to be found. Then, Dad would walk in, pull the missing piece out of his pants pocket, put it in the hole and declare that he finished the puzzle. We never looked for another lost piece, just called Dad to come finish the puzzle please. 
 My Aunt Ruth would put out puzzles she bought at yard sales on the Fourth of July as we all gathered there. Mind you, most of these puzzles were also missing a piece or pieces. No, Dad was not the culprit. Aunt Ruth didn’t care because she would glue the puzzles and add buttons to the missing spots. The finished products were hung on the walls in her basement like precious pieces of art.
 This past spring, the library set up a puzzle night with snacks and two, 3000 piece puzzles to be worked on. It was hoped that a lot of people would come and work on these puzzles but only a handful came in. One puzzle was a Beatles tribute to 100 of their songs with the Beatles themselves as ghost figures. Who can forget about the yellow submarine (there were two in this puzzle). It took a lot of months to finish this monster but it was well worth it. The other puzzle was a Charlie Brown character puzzle but it did not get finished. That will be done at a later time.
 If you have an hour or more and need somewhere to go just to be out of the house, then come work on a jigsaw puzzle. There are various sizes of puzzles and if you are the lucky one to finish a puzzle, then you also pick out the next one to be worked on. You just might see a couple of sisters there doing the same thing.


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