Weiser has so many positives that we need to look at and enjoy

Dear Editor:
 I’m writing this in response to Mr. Erhard’s letter to the editor. When I first saw the offending political shenanigans, ergo toilet and sign, I too was shocked and appalled. No, they have not been taken down and I drive by them all the time as I live south of town. However Tim, rather than dwell on the negatives, I’d like to address some very positives.
 The Weiser Recreation youth track program just finished up this past weekend, June 1. The outpouring of help was totally great. During the week, I had two parents, Dani and Dustin Reese ask me if the shot put area was going to be used again this year for the littles softball throw. Yes it was and they took it upon themselves to remove the weeds from the entire area with some help of a couple of other parents one night during practice. Wow!
 Second, we were having a baked food sale to benefit the Weiser Middle School track uniform fund. Bethany Spillett, Tami Janicek and Chelsea Walker all contributed and there was not a whole lot left after the meet. My niece, Sarah Sharp, my granddaughter Raina and my sister Grace Sharp ran the table for me.
 Third, I’m not one to ask for help but receive it anyway for which I am truly blessed. The helpers during the week and especially during the meet were all former youth track participants that I have coached. How cool is that? Hali Blanchard and Riggin Roberts were invaluable. We give back to the community.
 Fourth, several people helped after the meet to clean up any trash left behind and there wasn’t much. Weiser is a great place to raise our kids. There is pride out there, it’s just over shadowed by negativity.  
 I kept coming back here to run this program because I love the athletes that I coach. They are all great kids. We do love our kids so keep up the positive Weiser!
Joyce Taylor
Weiser, Idaho


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