WCRCC votes to remove Kirk Chandler as chairman

The Washington County Republican Central Committee voted to remove Kirk Chandler as its chairman during a meeting held April 9. Six of the 11 elected precinct persons were present, constituting a quorum, according to the WCRCC. Photo by Philip A. Janquart
Philip A. Janquart
The Washington County Republican Central Committee voted to remove Kirk Chandler as its chairman during an April 9 meeting held at the University of Idaho Extension Office in Weiser.
 Chandler was not in attendance.
 “This is the regularly scheduled meeting of the Washington County Republican Central Committee and according to our bylaws, Article II, Section 1 states, ‘Regular meetings shall be held at the call of the chairman by stating date, hour, and location,’” said WCRCC Vice Chair Ron Robbins, before calling the meeting to order. “’Notification shall be given in writing or through any social media within at least five days’ notice prior to the meeting.’
 “This was done, actually, at the last meeting because it was on our agenda. It was stated that … our next meeting would be tonight. Also, it is on our website that we meet regularly on the second Tuesday of the month at this location and time.”
 Robbins further clarified the reason the meeting was still held despite Chandler’s apparent attempt to cancel it.
 “According to the bylaws and the state rules and Roberts Rules (of Order), the chairman does not have authority to cancel our meetings without cause or vote from the precinct people, and we have not voted to cancel our meeting, so we are going forward … and at this time, I’m going to open the meeting.”
 A notice of removal sent to Idaho GOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon and provided to the Signal American stated the follow:
 “The April 9, 2024 meeting of the WCRCC was a regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the WCRCC. Notice of the meeting was properly given at the March 12th, 2024 meeting of the WCRCC, was announced in the agenda of the March 12 meeting, was posted on the WCRCC website more than one week prior to the April 9, 2024 meeting, and was also provided on the Living in the News Facebook page in numerous ads placed by the WCRCC. 
 “Nothing in the WCRCC Bylaws, State Republican Party Rules, or Robert’s Rules of Order give the Chairman the authority to cancel a scheduled meeting of the WCRCC and Mr. Chandler wrongfully attempted to cancel the April 9, 2024, and the May 14th, 2024 meetings unilaterally, without a vote of the precinct committee persons of the WCRCC.”
 Robbins said that six of the 11 elected precinct committee persons of the WCRCC were present, constituting a quorum. Committee persons included Robbins, Eileen Winchester, Margaret Jensen, Ron Jaeger, Jonna Duvall-Williams, and Debbie Moxley-Potter.
 According to the WCRCC statement, Winchester had previously resigned, but was reinstated.
 “Although one of the precinct committee persons (Winchester) had previously resigned from the WCRCC, that resignation was never acknowledged by the chairman, and was rescinded prior to a vote of the WCRCC to accept said resignation, which is allowable pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order,” the notice read.
 (You can read the WCRCC’s full notice by visiting www.signalamerican.com.)
 Duvall-Williams called for censure against Chandler once the meeting was open.
 “I would like to censure …our current chairman, Kirk Chandler, for attempting to cancel this regular meeting as nothing in our bylaws, nothing in the state GOP rules, or Roberts Rules of Order, give the chairman this authority, to cancel the said scheduled meeting without the vote of the precinct committeemen and women,” she stated.
 The motion was seconded, Robbins explaining that no penalty would accompany the censure.
 “It’s just our statement that we disagree with what he has tried to do,” he said. “We are not enforcing any kind of a penalty with the censure. If he was here, he would be allowed to speak in his defense, but him only.”
 Committee person Margaret Jensen next moved to remove Chandler as committee chair.
 “Pursuant to the Roberts Rules of Order and censure, I move that we remove Chairman Kirk Chandler from his position as the chair of the Washington County Republican Central Committee for cause,” she stated.
 The motion was seconded prior to a formal vote conducted via ballot. The vote ended in favor of removing Chandler. The meeting, which lasted about 10 minutes, was then adjourned. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14 at 7 p.m.
 Moon told the Signal American that she has received a grievance from Chandler and is in the process of looking into the matter.
 “According to our rules, article 12, Sect. 3b, if I receive a grievance, I have to investigate, so this is part of my job, so that’s what I’m going to do,” she said.



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