Property Taxes 101

Dear Editor:
 The last couple of years there has been a lot of citizens concerned about the rising cost of taxes. The budgeting process is starting in the county, city and districts. 
 The Idaho Republican Platform, Sec. 2 A. states: “We support lower federal, state and local taxes. High taxes are a burden on businesses, families, and individuals.”
 We need to understand who taxes us, and how they tax us.   
 The county is the one I would like to focus on. 
 We all feel that our property tax is too high. The districts, cities, and county are the only ones that can tax our property. I would like to delve into this a little deeper.
 I would like to use the Weiser area and a property worth $100,000 as an example. The numbers I am using come from the 2022 tax levy card I acquired from the clerk’s office. I will use numbers that are rounded. These are the amounts taxed on $100,000 of assessed property.
 County $394 per $100,000. Road and bridge $60. Special bridge $18. These are what the county charges.
 City of Weiser, $590; Weiser School District, $81; Weiser rural fire, $77; Hillcrest Cemetery, $19; Washington County Rodent District, $7; Weiser Ambulance, $31; Weiser Valley Hospital District, $67; Flood control district $4. 
 The total of these amounts makes up your property tax. The county collects all property tax and then disperses it to the cities and districts.
 The county taxes are all property based on how much your property is worth or assessed at. The retail value of your property is different than the assessed value. The way you can tell what you pay is on the assessment notice that you receive from the assessor. It also has the dates for their budget hearings. 
 So, what can I do to lower my taxes? 
 I have heard it does no good to attend budget hearings. 
 Every one of the districts, county and city, has a budgeting process. We as citizens must get involved. How many of you have ever attended a budget hearing? If one person attends, it will more than likely not make a difference. When 20 or 50 or 200 attend, it will make a difference. Don’t just complain about the amount of your taxes. You need to attend the hearings prepared to present what you would like to see reduced and the reason why. Give solutions and good reasons why you would like to see your taxes cut.
 The important thing is to get involved. 
 “If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it (lower taxes). If you do not ask, the answer will always be no (not getting involved). If you do not step forward, you will always remain in the same place.” 
 Get involved, make a difference.
Kirk Chandler
Washington County


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