Horse show day at the Washington County Fair

The 2024 Washington County Fair opened Monday morning in Cambridge in the Cambridge rodeo arena with FFA and 4-H horse project members completing showmanship classes, bareback and western pleasure equestrian competitions, trail class, and free style reining. Pictured below, 4-H top showmen are Reserve Champion Lexi Gay with Middle Valley Stockmen, left, and Grand Champion Lydia Thiessen, an Indianhead 4-H Club member. Pictured above FFA Reserve Champion Adalyn Barton and Grand Champion Madalyn Reynolds, both Cambridge FFA members. Pictured below, a junior exhibitor with Echo Dell 4-H, Henley Hawkins was all smiles as she finished her showmanship round. Tuesday morning, horse members continued their activities in a play day at the arena starting at 7:30 a.m. In the exhibit hall, 4-H clubs and FFA chapters finished decorating their booths while open class exhibits continued to be registered for judging, and livestock exhibits were checked in throughout the day. Photos by Nancy Grindstaff


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