Hogg, von Brethorst, Haun win Weiser city council seats

Philip A. Janquart
Larry Hogg, Katie von Brethorst, and Herb Haun were elected to city council seats in the Tuesday, Nov. 7 election, according to unofficial results.
 Haun received 556 votes, or 27.79 percent of the electorate. Hogg followed with 431 votes, for 21.54 percent, and von Brethorst had 414 votes, for 20.69 percent. 
 Andrea Williams came out the victor in the Weiser School District Trustee Zone I race, receiving 143 votes, or 61.11 percent, to Jodi Johnson’s 91 votes and 38.89 percent.  
 The new city council members and Williams will be sworn in after the first of the year and will take office at that time.
 “I am very thankful for all who were able to get out and vote,” Haun said. “Keeping communications open between all of Weiser, the mayor, and council is very important to me. I’m looking forward to serving Weiser. Thanks for your support.”
 “I am excited and ready to serve the people of Weiser,” said von Brethorst. “I understand the commitment and will work to hear and understand the issues involved. Thank you for putting your trust in me, I will do my best!” 
 “I want to thank everyone who participated in the City Council Election. I look forward to working with Herb and Katie along with the other members of the Council in the next four years,” Hogg said of his re-election win. “Weiser is more than just a community, it is my hometown and the people who live here are more than residents, they are people I care about. Having the opportunity to serve on the City Council is not a job, it is a responsibility and I am humbled that you trust me with it.”


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