Courthouse secure entry will be operational March 25

The new secure entrance at the Washington County Courthouse will help ensure that all those working at, or visiting, the historic building are safe and secure. It goes online Monday, March 25. Photo by Philip A. Janquart

Remodel work on the Washington County Courthouse third floor is almost complete. County employees continued transferring Magistrate Court equipment and furniture to the new space last week. Photo by Philip A. Janquart
Philip A. Janquart
After months of design, planning, and construction, the new secure entrance to the Washington County Courthouse is scheduled to go live on Monday, March 25 at 8 a.m., according to county sources.
 Beginning next week, visitors will enter the courthouse through the west entry off E. Second Street. It is now fitted with a metal detector and x-ray. 
 Anyone carrying metal objects on their person will cause the metal detector to make a beeping noise, alerting officers.
 Items such as purses, wallets, briefcases, and computer bags will be placed on a table and rolled through the x-ray, which will scan for any dangerous items or weapons not allowed inside the building.
 The procedure is similar to passing through security gates at airports where passengers are checked before boarding planes.
 The new measures are to ensure the safety of all visitors, county employees, or anyone doing business, visiting, or working within the building.
 Washington County Sheriff Matt Thomas told the Signal American in late January that the check point will always be manned by two officers during business hours. 
 The $1.4 million project was held up a few weeks this winter due to snow and freezing temperatures.
Magistrate Court
 Remodeling work on the third floor of the courthouse is nearing completion.  
 The project started about the same time work on the secure entry began. District Court will now be accompanied by Magistrate Court, which occupied a portion of the annex building located on the northwest corner of Court and E. Third Streets. 
 Plans include moving various Sheriff’s Office employees to the annex building following Magistrate Court’s departure.  
 The Sheriff’s Office and Weiser City Police currently share space at 262 E. Court St., employees working in cramped quarters for years.


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