City working on getting more shady areas in Memorial Park
Mayor Randy Hibberd
Last week I had the opportunity to visit the State Capitol to listen to the Legislative leaders inform city officials from across the state on their legislative agenda for 2025. The legislators would tell us their plans and then ask questions from the city officials. They would then explain why their ideas were better.
It was interesting. It seemed like the legislature’s primary concerns were in cutting about $450 million in taxes. It seemed like the city officials were concerned about those funds being used to provide for schools, infrastructure, and other long-term needs.
Everybody loves paying less taxes. Idaho’s taxes are some of the lowest in the country. But educating our young people and investing in our infrastructure will pay much more in the long run than the $450 million in savings at this time. It is kind of like having someone give you $5,000. Is it better to spend it on a vacation, or invest it for the long run? Just my two cents.
Now, on to City business.
Lonnie Chambers, the wastewater department supervisor, would like to let the business owners who deal with grease that he will be making the rounds to check your grease traps. The need to check grease traps arises from the fact that grease going down a drain congeals and accumulates thereby blocking pipes. For information on keeping your grease traps clean and avoiding any penalties please do not hesitate to contact Lonnie at 208-414-1242.
Also, Ron McDaniel, the street department supervisor, would like to quell the rumor that the excavation being done in Memorial Park is for the beginning of a splash pad.
Actually, the excavation is for a forty-by-sixty-foot covered area that can be divided down the middle to hold two events at the same time.
This project is part of the improvement project funded by the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation’s $85,000 grant to Weiser for improving social interaction. You may remember a survey was performed last summer asking what you would like to see in the park. One of the main suggestions was to provide more shade and ways to make it easy for people to get together. And so, the committee formed to look at your desires thought this would be a good way to start.
The City employees have prepared the ground. The actual construction will be provided by a local contractor who has provided a bid of $48,000, which will leave $37,000 for other park improvements.
In addition, shade will be constructed over the octagonal seating area next to the new playground so that parents will not take a beating in the sun.
There will be additional projects based on your desires and suggestions until the full $85,000 has been expended. I will keep you posted.
Last but not least, Wayne Wallace, the electrical department supervisor, would like me to remind you that electrical meter change outs are still ongoing. If you see a couple of gentlemen in your yard wearing construction vests, hard hats, and wearing identification, please do not turn the dogs out on them. They are your friendly neighborhood electrical workers just trying to upgrade your services.
Well, that’s it for this week. I hope you are staying warm! Weiser really is a great place to live, work, and play!
Signal American
18 E. Idaho St.
Weiser, ID 83672
PH: (208) 549-1717
FAX: (208) 549-1718
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