City has a busy year planned with projects to enhance Weiser

Mayor Randy Hibberd
It seems awfully strange to be putting the number 25 at the end of the date now. Within the last hour I have dated a couple of things with 2025 dates for the first time. I was just getting used to writing 2024. Oh well! The inevitable march of time!
 I guess this is the time of year when we are supposed to set goals for the coming year. Personally, at this stage in life, it is a little difficult to come up with many goals. Our home and yard are in pretty good shape. Personal finances are as taken care of as they are going to be. Our health is what it is. I am always setting a goal to exercise more and to become a better person. 
 The area I am going to focus my attention on is being more intent on spending time with family and friends. That’s probably more important than those other things anyway.
 On the other hand, setting goals for the City is something that is continuous. 
 The goals for the City can be broken down into two categories – those that are already in the works and those that are a concept at this time. 
 The goals that fit into the first category include rebuilding E. Commercial Street between State St. and E. Third. This $2,000,000 project will provide new sidewalk, a proper base to the road, take out some of the curve at E. First Street and square up the funky corner at E. Second Street. 
 The project is scheduled to start in late March and finish in early July. Businesses in this corridor will be able to remain accessible throughout this time frame. 
 Another project in the works is completing the sidewalk from Weiser High School to downtown and Memorial Park. 
 In addition, the LOR Foundation has agreed to provide funding for paving the remainder of the path around the Community Fishing Pond. If you have never been down to the pond, it is a great place to fish or even just take a walk. About half of the path is paved currently. Completing the paving will help make the pond even more accessible to more people. 
 Also, a traffic study for the City is funded and will be completed sometime in 2025.
 A few weeks ago, I wrote about a feasibility study for the possibility of constructing a solar farm. It turns out that the study will not be as expensive as we anticipated. So, Mike Campbell, the City’s public works director, suggested that we also do a study of the power grid in town related to future needs. The City is required to have these studies for the other utilities, but the electrical department is not. So, it is a great idea to have this done on our own. 
 In the area of Planning and Zoning the commissioners are defining the City’s Impact Area, refining zoning definitions, and refining the Comprehensive Plan.
 These are just a few of the items that are in the works.
 In the second category, we will be working on obtaining funding to complete the East Commercial Street project from E. Third to Highway 95.
 We will follow up with the information provided by the solar farm feasibility study to determine the best route forward.
 Internally, the City will be working toward converting the City employee pay system from increases based on longevity to merit-based increase. 
 We will also be proposing to the City Council an ordinance to give the City’s ad hoc design review committee official status with the City and therefore a bit more authority in dealing with new businesses and the appearance of their properties. 
 Just like the projects in the works, these proposed goals are just a few of the goals we have set. 
 I guess it’s enough to keep us busy for now.
 Well, that’s it for this week. I hope you have a chance to set a few goals for yourself as well. It’s a healthy way to stay engaged and move forward in life. I hope you have a happy and prosperous 2025!


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