Certificate of appreciation presented to Lions Club Leos

The Weiser Lions Club held a pizza party for the WHS Leos, potential future Lions, and Leo parents. Special speakers included District Governor John Hand, Multiple District 39 Council Chair Betty Simpson, Weiser Leo Club advisors, Lions Christina Isaacson, Debbie Tabbart, and Cherie Marvin, and club president Linda Youngblood. The Weiser Lions Club presented certificates of appreciation to each Leo. Pictured back row from left, Christina Isaacson (Lion Liason), Hailey Eames, president, Blake Quinton, Ammon Anderson, Luke Cazier, and Rachel Watkins. Middle, Christina Isaacson (Lion Liason); Eddie Anderson, Kenzie Strasser, vice-president. Front, Debbie Tabbert (Lion Advisor); Cherie Marvin, Leo Advisor; Everett Terry, Kaylee Harris, Heidi Williams, sec./treas.
The Weiser Lions Club held a pizza party for the WHS Leos, potential future Lions, and Leo parents. Special speakers included District Governor John Hand, Multiple District 39 Council Chair Betty Simpson, Weiser Leo Club advisors, Lions Christina Isaacson, Debbie Tabbart, and Cherie Marvin, and club president Linda Youngblood. The Weiser Lions Club presented certificates of appreciation to each Leo. Pictured back row from left, Christina Isaacson (Lion Liason), Hailey Eames, president, Blake Quinton, Ammon Anderson, Luke Cazier, and Rachel Watkins. Middle, Christina Isaacson  (Lion Liason); Eddie Anderson, Kenzie Strasser, vice-president. Front, Debbie Tabbert (Lion Advisor); Cherie Marvin, Leo Advisor; Everett Terry, Kaylee Harris, Heidi Williams, sec./treas.


Signal American

18 E. Idaho St.
Weiser, ID 83672
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