100 People Who Care program launches in Weiser

Weiser resident Kelly Haun, who founded the Future Wolverine Foundation a year and half ago, has launched the 100 People Who Care program in Washington County, which aims to find 100 caring people willing to donate $100 each, or $400 a year, to award a different deserving nonprofit $10,000 every quarter to help fulfill its mission to serve those in need. A ‘practice run’ of sorts was held Saturday at Sunnyside Farms in the form of a barn dance that ultimately garnered Love INC $900. Above, though the night was winding down, couples still dance to the music of Rochelle and The James Gang. Photo by Philip A. Janquart
Philip A. Janquart
Fundraising group is looking for nonprofits to add to pool of future recipients
Kelly Haun has some good ideas.
After all, it was she and her husband Herb, who founded the Future Wolverine Foundation, which raises money for kids who have a hard time paying for fees, uniforms, equipment, and other costs associated with playing youth sports in Weiser.
Launched in October 2022, the organization seems to be thriving because of the efforts of their board of directors and the Weiser Recreation Dept.
Haun along with Rick and Michelle Estes and Layna Hafer have since branched out, working to establish a sustainable program to assist nonprofit organizations in Washington County.
The program is called 100 People Who Care and was founded in 2006 by a woman in Jackson, Michigan.
There are now over a hundred branches around the country who belong to the 100 People Who Care Alliance, including 100 Women Who Care, 100 Men Who Care, 100 Kids Who Care, etc.
The group picked up on the idea and brought it to Weiser where there are dozens of 501c3s that typically work hard to raise money for their specific causes.
It’s a way to help organizations fulfill their respective missions to assist those in need.
“This is a great concept to help nonprofits in the community and it’s a great tax write-off,” Angel Wings Network Executive Director Mabel Dobbs explained last week. “They get a hundred people to commit to donating a hundred dollars on a quarterly basis, or $400 a year. Then, they take all of the active nonprofits and put them into a pool and at the end of each quarter, they will vote on three nonprofits from that pool to do a presentation and one of those nonprofits are voted on to receive $10,000 for their organization.”
Randi and Troy Davies and the Hauns hosted a barn dance at Sunnyside Farms March 16 as a kind of test run to see how things would work and it was a success, showing promise moving forward.
Rochelle and the James Gang provided live entertainment and food and drink was available for purchase through The Market, a specialty store in Weiser.
Angel Wings, which assists cancer patients and their families, was one of four chosen to give a presentation, hoping to become the test recipient.
The others were Main Street Weiser, which focuses on economic development and revitalization in Weiser; Love INC of Washington County, a charity that pools resources from area churches; and the Shamrock Club, a community service organization founded in 1922.
Once pens were laid down, the crowd that gathered had voted for Love INC, which received $900 from the night’s revenue after expenses.
“So, this first one was just kind of a practice, so people could see how 100 People Who Care works,” Haun told the Signal American on Monday. “They (the organization’s representatives) didn’t even know they were going to speak; I just said, ‘come on up’ and we ended up giving $900 to Love INC.”
The group has already received commitments from 50 people to donate $100 per quarter, but needs another 50 to round out the group that, ultimately, will collectively donate $10,000 to the winning organization.
“We only have about six weeks because we are having our first official meeting in May,” said Haun, who has not yet decided on an exact date. The Signal American will provide that and any additional information when it becomes available.
The May meeting will have three non-profits present and will receive the $10,000. The next meeting will be in August.
Haun said representatives should contact her at (208) 573-0812 to be included in the pool of nonprofits. Also anyone who would like to become a member of 100 People Who Care should contact Rick Estes, Michelle Estes, Layna Hafer, or Kelly Haun.
When asked why she puts so much energy into her fundraising efforts, she replied, “Oh, I don’t know. We just feel like God has been so generous to us, and injustice is not Ok. Kids not being able to play just brings tears to us, we can’t handle that,” she said referring specifically to the Future Wolverine Foundation. “We love kids, and we want to see every kid have the same opportunity. Herb also volunteers at Angel Wings because of the amazing work they do with families affected by cancer.”
Herb, a Weiser City Councilman, volunteers for Angel Wings, helping to transport patients to and from doctors’ visits and treatments.
“You just can’t help being involved when you know what they are doing,” she said. “Oh my gosh, these people are amazing!”
You can contact Rick Estes at (208) 631-2805 or Michelle Estes at (208) 550-2772.
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