‘Museum in the Streets’ is coming to Weiser

Weiser’s Architectural Preservation Committee was successful in garnering a grant for a ‘Museum in the Streets’ project that will allow signage at historic buildings and places in town. Similar programs are already in place in cities throughout the country, as shown in the above photo in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. Courtesy photo
Pat Caldwell
WEISER – A state grant will help a local historical committee move ahead on a plan to recognize historical sites in town.
 The nonprofit Weiser Architectural Preservation Committee learned last month it will receive a $25,000 grant from the Idaho State Historical Society to create a sign program dubbed “Museum in the Streets.” The sign program will identify key historical buildings and sites throughout town. 
 Each sign will display a story regarding the site or building with an historic photo, said Tony Edmondson, Weiser Architectural Preservation Committee member.
 “The sign would be posted on the sidewalk (next to the historic site) so someone walking by will have a direct interface with the sign,” said Edmondson.
 The historical sites and buildings will be chosen by the committee, said Edmondson. 
 “In the downtown commercial area, they might be fixed to buildings. Or there might not be a building at a particular site but maybe the site is important to the community, like the Washington Hotel. It was a five-story hotel that is now a parking lot,” said Edmondson.
 Edmondson said the committee plans to post between 25 to 30 signs. 
 “We hope to have a QR code on every sign so that people who want to learn more can do so right there,” he said.
 The grant required at 10% match, said Edmondson.
 “We will match way more than that,” said Edmondson. 
 He said the total cost of the project will be around $27,000.
 Edmondson said the project should be completed within 18 months.



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