School vouchers will hurt public schools

Dear Editor:

I am a third generation Idahoan.  My whole family has attended public schools since the beginning of time.  I grew up in a state that supported public education and equal opportunity. 

I have seen many things change in Idaho, both good and bad.  I am thoroughly disgusted by how our state has taken a negative turn over the past few years by supporting special interest groups, people who want to promote their own agenda, and who do not care about justice, equality, diversity, or inclusion. 

The proposed House Bill 39 is just another example.  First, the majority of Idaho counties do not have any private schools.  This bill would drain funds from public education to subsidize urban schools and special interest groups.  It will lower the quality of public education by diverting funds our schools desperately need.  Our money will fund parochial schools, a direct violation of church and state. 

We have the right to know where our tax dollars are spent.  There is no accountability.  Many children will not get a quality education.  School vouchers often only cover a portion of the tuition costs.  When the money runs out, the children must return to public schools, causing student achievement to decline drastically.

School vouchers are nothing more than a get rich quick scheme.  Research shows that most voucher funds go to higher income families.  Most of these children never even attend public school.  It is a subsidy for wealthy parents.  Pro-voucher people support education that will promote their own beliefs, including their interpretation of the Bible, which includes discrimination and isolation. 

Other states that have enacted a voucher system have struggled to balance their budgets, which has led to significant cuts to community colleges, water systems, and roadways, just to name a few.  

Is this really what you want for Idaho's future leaders?  Please help save our children from this insanity and do the right thing by rejecting this atrocious bill.

Rose Fleming

Payette, Idaho


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