Weiser High School presents ‘The Big Bad Musical’

Fans of musical theater are sure to enjoy Weiser High School’s upcoming presentation of ‘The Big Bad Musical,’ featuring courtroom drama and hilarity based on a class action lawsuit brought against The Big Bad Wolf. Directed by WHS choir teacher Mike Turner, the show will run next Tuesday through Thursday, Nov. 7-9, and features many of the school’s talented singers from across the student population. Photo by Mike Turner
Keith Boles
The Weiser High School Musical Theater Class, directed by Mike Turner, will present “The Big Bad Musical!” Nov. 7-9 at 7:30 p.m. at the WHS auditorium.
 The Big Bad Musical is a courtroom musical. The story follows a court case trial where the Big Bad Wolf, played by Nathan Price, is faced with a class action lawsuit by various classic fairy tale characters who want revenge. 
 Those seeking revenge include Little Red Riding Hood, played by Lizzy Conde, and her grandmother, played by Ashlyn Parker. The Three Little Pigs are played by Molly Price, Larell Chandler, and Marie Shaber. The Shepard will be played by Josh Cathy, and the Boy who Cried Wolf by Cole Glaspie.
 Alongside the prosecutors, commentating the courtroom drama, is Sydney Grimm, played by Ella Terry. And then there are the greatest legal minds in the entire enchanted forest: The Evil Stepmother, played by Michaela Young; and the Fairy Godmother, played by Claire Woodruff. 
 Despite all the tables turned against them, the big bad wolf and the “Wolfettes,” played by Hali Blanchard, Elizabeth Hansen, and Ashlynn Strasser, make quite a compelling case. 
 However, there is one more element to the play that makes this musical special: the jury. Played by none other than the audience themselves, the jury gets to determine the outcome of the ending, depending on who they choose to side with. The ending is truly decided by the audience, making each performance different. 
 “It’s been fun putting this musical together with our high school music theater class, many of whom sing in our choirs. The last time I directed it, it was a number of years ago as a middle school musical. I think the humor and fun are both amplified with a high school cast. And our students are so much fun to work with,” Turner said. 
 Tickets are $6 and are available online at https://weiserhs.seatyourself.biz or in person at the door. All shows will begin at 7:30 p.m., with doors opening at 7 p.m.


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