Wrestling teams compete in two tournaments in La Grande

Weiser’s Wolverines wrestling team traveled to La Grande to compete in the two-day Muilenburg Invitational (boys) and Belt Buckle Classic (girls) Dec. 8 and 9. Above, Austin Ashley is pictured during one of his rounds with his opponent tied up in a hold. The Wolverines finished third out of 22 teams competing in the tournament from Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Photo by Lori Sarich

In his first competition of the season, Weiser’s Kaleb Grove took first place in the 215-pound weight class at the Muilenburg Invite in La Grande Dec. 8 and 9. Over the four matches he wrestled, Grove added 31 team points to Weiser’s score, with the team finishing third out of 22 teams. Photo by Lori Sarich
Katie von Brethorst
The men’s Wolverine wrestlers traveled to La Grande this past weekend to the Muilenburg tournament. Twenty-two teams competed from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho during the contest. 
 Weiser did well taking third place after much larger schools Bishop Kelly and La Grande High School who took first and second place respectively. 
 “This is exactly what we needed this weekend. It was an awesome opportunity to see all of our wrestlers compete and find some success and wrestle some tough matches,” Head Coach Chad Gibson said. “From top to bottom we had wrestlers battling for six minutes and getting some solid mat time,” he added. 
 The Wolverine crew did well in their battles with six wrestlers placing in the tournament and a lot of other Wolverines adding to their team point totals. 
 Coach Gibson said, “It’s always great to head into a difficult tournament in the beginning of the season to see where we are at. Most of our younger athletes got to notch some wins in their belt and that is always fun to watch. Overall this was a great weekend for the Wolverines. GULO.” 
 One of the interesting aspects of competing in another state is the weight classes change. Athletes may normally wrestle at a certain weight class in Idaho, but when you get to Oregon you may have to go up what seems like an entire weight class or two to compete. The Wolverine gentlemen did a great job adjusting to this part of the challenge. 
 Taking sixth place for the Wolverines at 106 was Cole Glaspie, fifth place at 150 was Stockton Young who also scored 16 points for his team. Coming in at fourth place was Cole Ingle at 132 and scored 18 points for his team. In third place, Charlie Nevarez scored 23 team points at the 120 weight class and Kash Cobb also took third for the Wolverines adding a whopping 26 points to the team score. 
 Senior, Kaleb Grove did well in his first competition of the season taking first place for the Wolverines at the 215 weight class and adding 31 points to the team total. Kaleb wrestled just four matches, receiving a bye the first round and handled his opponents masterfully winning three of his matches by fall, two of them in 28 seconds and 34 seconds. Kaleb received the coveted buckle for his efforts. 
 The ladies participated in the Safeway Classic in La Grande as well with seven wrestlers. They competed against 21 different teams and took seventh place overall. 
 The Wolverine ladies had five wrestlers place in the tournament and got in some great mat time. Taking sixth place for the Wolverines was Madilyn Jones in the 145 pound weight class. She gave her team 9 points. In the same weight class, Aliyah Alhilla placed fourth and added 17 points to the team total. Tori Brown also placed fourth in the 140 weight class and added 14 team points. Autumn Jones placed fourth at 125 and added 12 points to her team’s total. Last, but not least, Audrey Deleon placed fourth and gave her team 18 points. 
 Next weekend the Wolverines will split up and the varsity will travel to NIC for the Tri-State Tournament while the JV boys and the lady Wolverines will head to Elgin for the John Rysdam Memorial Tournament. 
 Go Wolverines!


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