After hours help is available for city services by calling City Hall
Sunday was the close of the 2022 version of the Western Idaho State Fair. Cathy and I decided to go up to the Fair on Saturday, mainly because one of our daughters had entered a photo in the professional category and had placed. We had seen a picture of the picture on our phones, but there is just something about seeing with your own eyes the actual picture hanging at the fair with a ribbon on it. So, we headed out on Saturday.
The Fair wasn’t overcrowded like we thought it would be. The weather (meaning the temperature) was great! We had to have help to find the photo, but there it was: a spider eating another bug. The subject wasn’t Cathy’s favorite, but we were both pleased with our daughter anyway. It’s good to see people doing their best and putting their work out there for public inspection.
Speaking of putting one’s work out for public inspection, many of you may have noticed that the grass in the parks has been getting a little long. This deserves a little explanation. The City owns three large riding lawnmowers and one small one. The three large mowers all decided to take a break at the same time. So, until this week, all three of the large mowers were down.
We have received the parts for the least reliable of the three. It is up and running but needs to be treated with kid gloves. Finding parts for the other two and figuring out an electrical problem with one of them, is foremost on the repair agenda at the moment. So, please be patient.
The football field had to be mowed using the household size mower for last Friday’s game. And Ken Anderson from the Recreation Department came in on Sunday to mow City Park, after the one mower was repaired.
So, again, please be patient. Our guys are scrambling as fast as they can to get caught up and get the parks back into tip top shape for you! They really do take a lot of pride in how the parks, as well as the rest of the City, looks!
On another subject, in Monday morning’s management meeting, Wayne Wallace, the head of the City’s Electrical Department, brought up the subject of residents needing services after normal business hours. Apparently, there was an individual who had an emergency and called the sheriff’s dispatcher for help. The dispatcher then was able to get the person in contact with the electrical department employee on call for the weekend and the problem was taken care of.
However, there is a simpler way to report an emergency or other after hours need. All that you need to do on evenings or weekends is to call the regular City Hall telephone number, which is 208-414-1965.
The City has an answering system that automatically kicks on at 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, turns back off at 8 a.m., and stays on all weekend. The system will ask what department you would like to be connected to along with a number to touch on the phone for that department. The system then routes your call to the assigned employee for that evening or weekend. Each department has its own cell phone, which is passed on to the employee on call at that particular time, so that the City can respond to your needs no matter what time of day or night.
Calling the sheriff’s dispatcher works, but in an emergency involving your utilities, calling the City’s number works faster.
Also, I wanted to put out another reminder for the City’s Comprehensive Plan public input meeting on Sept. 15 at the Vendome. This will be your chance to let everyone know what you think of the state of the City, what needs to be improved, and, most importantly, the direction you think the City should be going. So, come on out and let us know what you think! It takes all of us to make Weiser a greater place to live, work, and play.
Well, that’s it for this week. Hope you have a great one!
Signal American
18 E. Idaho St.
Weiser, ID 83672
PH: (208) 549-1717
FAX: (208) 549-1718
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